March 20, 2012

"Flabuh"... Flavor from the South!

     After receiving Gullah Gourmet food items as gifts several times ourselves, the entire staff at Haj-Paj Boutique decided that since we loved their flavor, their authenticity, and their salute to southern culture then so would our customers.  But as usual before we decide to bring in a new product for you we research it fully so that we are confident that you are getting the best!
     But first a little about the Gullah people:  In the 1700's the Southern colonists discovered that rice would grow well in the moist climate along the coastlines of what is now known as South Carolina and Georgia. Rice is not an easy crop to cultivate so, when the colonists realized that they had no experience with growing rice, they looked to areas of West Africa for native people who did.  Rice plantation owners purchased slaves from West Africa and rice began to flourish in these southern colonies.  The Gullah people of today are direct descendants from those slaves.  The heirs of those West Africans that were brought to the coastal islands of South Carolina and Georgia strive to preserve and honor their heritage with Gullah storytelling, music, folk beliefs and spirituality.
Queen Quet, Head of State for the Gullah/Geechee Nation.  Learn more about her and the Gullah traditions at
     Two of the most prevalent traditions that are currently being preserved in South Carolina's Low Country in particular are the Gullah food and the Gullah language.  Gullah Gourmet, is located in Charleston, South Carolina, which is the premier city of South Carolina's Low Country.  Charleston is steeped in history, beautiful architecture, and delicious cuisine.  Gullah Gourmet has been reproducing the finest Gullah fare since 1994.  They offer gourmet meals, dips, dressings, and sauces.  But it's the personality of the packaging that sets them apart from other gourmet gift items.  Owner, Debbie Nelson, wanted to capture the true essence of the Gullah people by incorporating the Gullah language on each and every bag.
Gullah Gourmet Shrimp and Grits
     Debbie remembers as a child listening to the Gullah tell stories and sing songs in this all but lost language.  She wanted to keep the Gullah language alive and pay homage to these time-honored people by using bits of it on every item in Gullah Gourmets extensive line of foods.  She says "when someone buys a package of Gullah Gourmet, I not only want them to take home the flavor of Charleston, but also a bit of the culture".   
These and much more at the store!  Yum!!!
     Haj-Paj Boutique is bringing you the finest that Gullah Gourmet has to offer.  It's our version of  "good food and good living" can use these scrumptious mixes to recreate familiar comfort food or get to know specialty South Carolina cuisine!  Each has the ingredients to make wonderful gourmet meals, breads, dips, and dressings with very little effort.  Low Country lifestyle is waiting for you in every bite...a lifestyle to take home with you to share with family, friends, and guests.  Meals to be remembered!!